Meet The Pastor

As pastor of First Baptist Church in Berlin, Ohio, I  extend  a warm welcome to all who wish to visit our modest assembly. I was converted to Christ at the age of 20 and went to Bible college soon after. I was privileged to attend Bob Jones University where I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Bible. I traveled as an evangelist to young people for two years on the Minutemen Evangelistic Team. I preached at many small churches during their searches for a pastor and taught Bible at Massillon Christian School for seven years. During my time in the Christian School ministry, I was called to First Baptist Church in January of 2005. I have served as Senior Pastor since.

Our hopes and goals are to reach people for Christ and to help them grow in grace and discipleship through clear preaching of God’s word. We believe that Bible doctrine is the most important aspect of a local church ministry and ought to be on the top of the list when seeking to find a church. I encourage you to examine our beliefs under the “Our Doctrine” tab. Our most important message concerns Jesus Christ who shed His blood and died on the cross of Calvary to take our sins in His own body and give to us His perfect righteousness. We are fully committed to the authority of the Bible and accept it as our only rule for faith and practice. May God guide you as you seek His will for your life. Please visit us that we might have an opportunity to minister to you.

In Christ Forever,

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