The Free Gift of Salvation

Men have always wondered “How can God forgive my sins? How can I be accepted by God?” One Biblical character asked, “What must I do to be saved?” The Bible teaches that man cannot earn forgiveness and acceptance with God by his religion or works. He cannot do enough good to please God. God forgives sin and accepts men only when the penalty for their sins have been paid. God himself provided a substitute, Jesus Christ, who died in our place, taking the penalty for our sin in His own body. Victory was assured when He rose from the dead. Man does not do anything to be saved. God requires only that we believe Him concerning the sacrifice of Christ – He died that we might live. Salvation is the free gift God. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”

If you have questions about your own relationship with God, please feel free to reach out to us! First Baptist Church, Berlin, Ohio 330-893-2327